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Schuster Sheet Metal is a proud member of
"Carrying on a Tradition since 1946"
418 Roske Dr., Elkhart, In. 46516 574-293-4802
418 Roske Dr. Elkhart, Indiana 46516
Tel# (574) 293-4802
Fax# (574) 522-0426
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Exhaust Fans
•Axial Down Blast

•Axial Wall Mount

•Ceiling & Inline

•Centrifugal Down Blast

•Centrifugal Up Blast

•Square Inline

•Utility Sets

•Tubeaxial Fans

•Vaneaxial Fans
•Duct Fans

•Roof/Wall Mount Propeller Direct/Belt Drive

•Ceiling Wall & Cabinet Fans

•Low Profile Roof Exhausters

•Air Curtains

•Energy Recovery

•Air Circulators

•Gravity Ventilators

•Economizer Fans
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